On Friday 23 of November 2012 10:47:09 Gorka Guardiola wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 11:32 PM, Winston Kodogo <kod...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > But, let the record show, C++ has been scientifically shown to be an
> > unbelievably crap and monstrously complex language, even though I earn
> > my daily bread by using it. I was a contemporary of Dr Stroustrup when
> > he was spending his time dragging the Cambridge mainframe to its knees
> > using the Simula compiler - the kindest description I ever heard from
> > friends in the computer lab was "stubborn"-  and occasionally, ok
> > frequently, or indeed always, am tempted to view C++ as his revenge on
> > the world for pointing out that he doesn't have a clue how to program
> > efficiently.
> Yes, this is why most games, which do not need speed or efficiency at all
> are programmed in C++. (...)

you've just stepped on my pet peeve, apologies in advance for what follows.

the bulk of in-game graphics processing is done via OpenGL calls/DirectX 
calls/whatever goes on the PS3' Cell CPU. the C++ parts could be replaced with 
Python and noone would be any the wiser.

similarily, Youtube flash player does not decode nor scale video in Flash' 
Actionscript; the GPU does it. unless you have broken drivers like i had once, 
in which case it is /slow/.

C++ for the assembly-line-style game development [1] is choosen as PHB's safe 
bet  -- a.k.a. ``industry's stadard practice'' -- and not on technical merits. 
cue picture of Scott Adams (of Dilbert fame).

if you really must, John Carmak writes idomatic C, not C++.

[1] http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4821152 and countless other stories.

dexen deVries


Reality is just a convenient measure of complexity.
                -- Alvy Ray Smith

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