> In the big scheme of things, absolutely none of this matters.  Whether one
> programs in Java, C, Go, COBOL or 370 assembler doesn't really make any
> difference; one could die tomorrow, and would anyone care what language
> s/he programmed in?  really?  This world has bigger problems than that.

My experience with APL suggested otherwise.  Assembler programming
teaches you what computers can and cannot do and a language like APL
teaches you what concepts your mind is able to embrace.  COBOL shows
you the value of code discipline and fortran the benefits of
shortcutting functionality you don't really need in a certain sphere
of programming.  No one language gives you everything and many
programmers only get to see and solve a fraction of the possible
problem space.

I think it is important for programmers to at least know that their
knowledge base is incomplete and, hopefully, come closer to rather
than further away from a broader knowledge by attempting to use more
rather than fewer tools.  That some tools may lead to bad habits, that
could be termed a judgement call, or an occupational hazard.


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