On Wednesday 17 of October 2012 06:40:45 ron minnich wrote:
> get to the part about why it's so great that pipe is a system call,
> not a device.
> This is the sort of back-and-forth that reminds me why I can't quite
> give up on plan 9 ...
> http://yarchive.net/comp/linux/everything_is_file.html
> "Do we create pipes by opening /dev/pipe? No. "
> and
> "Yes, some old-timers could argue that original UNIX didn't have sockets,
> and that the BSD interface is ugly and an abomination and that it _should_
> have been a namespace thing, but that argument falls flat on its face when
> you realize that the "pipe()" system call _was_ in original UNIX, and has
> all the same issues."
> ah well. It seems that the guy who wrote pipe() might not agree that
> he does not know much about Unix ... but so it goes.

a technical and organizational problem: back then Linux' /dev consisted of 
special files held on drive, its MAJOR/MINOR schema* getting dangerously 

those days Linux' /dev is usually mounted at boot and maintained by kernel, 
somewhat alike /proc; adding some more entries probably isn't that much of a 

dexen deVries


* MAJOR/MINOR being an unmountable namespace is quite ironic.

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