On Tue, 28 Aug 2012 14:44:40 EDT erik quanstrom <quans...@quanstro.net>  wrote:
> >=20
> > switch/case would make helluva difference over nested if/if not, if
> > defaulted to fall-through.
> maybe you have an example?  because i don't see that.  if not works
> fine, and can be nested.  case without fallthrough is also generally
> what i want.  if not, i can make the common stuff a function.
> > variable scoping (better than subshel) would help writing larger
> > scripts, but that's not necessarily an improvement ;-) something
> > similar to LISP's `let' special form, for dynamic binding.
> there is variable scoping.  you can write
>       x=3D() y=3D() cmd
> cmd can be a function body or whatever.  x and y are then private
> to cmd.  you can nest redefinitions. =20
>       x=3D1 y=3D2 {echo first $x $y; x=3Da y=3Db {echo second $x $y; x=3D=CE=
> B1=
>  y=3D=CE=B2 {echo third $x $y}; echo ret second $x $y}; echo ret first $x=
>  $y}
>       first 1 2
>       second a b
>       third =CE=B1 =CE=B2
>       ret second a b
>       ret first 1 2

This is basically the same as let. Instead of
    let x=1 y=2 foo
you say
    x=1 y=2 foo
and this is lexical scoping. try

    lex=1 { echo $lex; }
    echo $lex
    { var=1; echo $var; }
    echo $var

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