The gcc flags: -march=armv6 -mfloat-abi=softfp -mfpu=vfp, will let you compile the standard Inferno emu-g on the Raspberry Pi first go. Not all the Linux VT interface ioctls are supported by the video driver so a little work is needed to incorporate the framebuffer device.
- [9fans] Hosted Inferno on Raspberry Pi Graham Gallagher
- Re: [9fans] Hosted Inferno on Raspberry Pi Richard Miller
- Re: [9fans] Hosted Inferno on Raspberry Pi Graham Gallagher
- Re: [9fans] Hosted Inferno on Raspberry ... Richard Miller
- Re: [9fans] Hosted Inferno on Raspbe... Steve Simon
- Re: [9fans] Hosted Inferno on R... Richard Miller
- Re: [9fans] Hosted Inferno on Raspberry Pi Christian Neukirchen