More to the point, you don't want any OS on an 8 bit machine.

A small driver library, maybe.  But really, 8 bit machines today are
just for fun little micro-control projects and you really don't want
an OS in the way.
The first thing I did to make an arduino useful was reclaim the timer
thread that the arduino "OS" steals from you...


On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 9:53 AM, erik quanstrom <> wrote:
>> Actually I've toyed with the idea of a "Plan 9 from 8-bit space". It
>> would be a fun challenge, I think, and I'd be interested to find
>> exactly what compromises would be needed. It may even be less of a
>> challenge than writing drivers for the crap peripherals ARM SOCs always
>> seem to be burdened with, but what could you do with it when it was
>> done?
> you don't want plan 9 on an 8 bit machine.
> - erik

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