On May 15, 2012, at 4:43 AM, erik quanstrom wrote:

> On Mon May 14 23:58:41 EDT 2012, mve...@gmail.com wrote:
>> On May 14, 2012, at 11:51 PM, John Floren wrote:
>>> If you have a large number of messages, Erik's "nupas" is useful; IIRC
>>> it will cache messages locally so you don't have to download a ton of
>>> headers each time you start upas.
>>> However I've found that with both old upas and nupas, there are some
>>> messages that make them choke. Sadly I can't remember what triggered
>>> it.
>>> john
>> My 16,000 message inbox usually make nupas and upas shit the bed. I've never 
>> had specific messages kill it though.
> the nupas core should be ok with 16k messages
>       minooka; mail -f bigmbox
>       45465 messages, 44899 unread
>       : q
> on the other hand, i can easily believe the imap mailbox type
> can't handle this.  i haven't used imap mailboxes much, and
> when i did, they were very small.  if you have specific ideas,
> and or observed problems, i'd be glad to incorporate them.
> - erik

It's imap. My other mail clients don't have much issue with it (alpine will 
choke on a slow connection), but my work machine (running 9front) is having 
definite issues. I'll totally look into this more for you, Erik.

PS. You have >44000 unread messages?!?!?!?!?

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