I think I'll have to stick with 9front.  I tried the official dist CD
and 9atom last night and both managed to install this time but
rebooting either of them would give a "no bootfile" error and a '>'
prompt that would take no input.  9front is the only dist that works
reliably enough to install a boot on this machine.

I have a question about the 9front/cwfs64x default partition layout,
which I picked because I'm a noob with this.  On my 80G did, it
suggested a ~10G other, ~10G fscache, and a ~50G fsworm parition.
After rebooting it looks like other is where my user directory is.  So
with this layout of the fs, does that mean I have 10G of user data
space, 10G for my 'root' file system and the other 50G is for the
wayback machine feature of the fs?  If so that seems pretty excessive,
but then again I don't think I'll be watching many movies on my p9
system so I think it will take me a while to fill up the 10G

Could anybody explain the csfw64x default partitioning scheme on
9front a bit for me?  Thanks.

Burton Samograd

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