A bit off topic, but if some OS X users need a mouse only for Acme, here is a patch to use Acme without a mouse:
http://codereview.appspot.com/6115053 Once applied, Devdraw's manual (accessible from the Help menu) will show the following: On Mac OS X 10.6 or later, the following gestures are avail- able for trackpad users: 2-finger-pinch to toggle fullscreen, 3-finger-swipe left to cut (cmd+x), 3-finger-swipe right to paste (cmd+v), 3-finger-swipe up to copy (cmd+c), 3-finger-swipe down to exec with arg (2-1 chord), 3-finger-tap to middle-click. (Equivalent 2-finger swipe gestures are available for Magic Mouse users.) Swipe gestures will only be available if the system does not use them. On OS X 10.7 for example, the default trackpad configuration must be changed as follows: swipe between pages with "2 or 3 fingers", swipe up to Mission Control with 4 fingers. I use this patch since many months, and I find Acme even more fun than before. You can apply the patch this way: hget http://codereview.appspot.com/download/issue6115053_1.diff > $HOME/Downloads/swipe.diff hg -R $PLAN9 import --no-commit $HOME/Downloads/swipe.diff cd $PLAN9/src/cmd/acme && mk install cd $PLAN9/src/cmd/devdraw && mk install If this patch conflicts with "hg pull -u" one day, you will just have to run the following, to trash all local changes: hg -R $PLAN9 update -C and apply an updated version of the patch. This patch, that is just a hack, has been refused at least for the following reasons: it is too Acme-specific; it can require change to OS X default conf.