On 24 February 2012 11:13, Anthony Sorace <a...@9srv.net> wrote:

> Folks:
>        The fine folks over at Google's Open Source Programs
> Office have announced the 2012 edition of Summer of
> Code. I intend to submit an application for Plan 9 to again
> participate. I'd like your help in making this year a success.
>        We had one major problem last year. Between Google's
> decision to focus on bringing in a larger number of smaller
> organizations and our own group's tendency to be pretty
> hands-off on marketing, we got an abysmal showing in the
> student application process. We got very few applications
> (7, from memory), and only 3 of those (at best) were viable.
> We were given two slots for student projects.
>        This is bad for a few reasons. Obviously it means we
> don't get as many people exposed to our code and our
> community, we don't get as much work done, and we don't
> have the opportunity to create new contributors, which is
> the fundamental point of GSoC. It also makes our numbers
> pretty vulnerable when, as happened last year, one
> student goes silent at midterms and never resurfaces.
>        This year, I'd like to make an explicit call for help from
> our community in getting the word out. I know we have
> several members who're attached to higher education
> institutions; that's really the best route here. It's likely that
> your school provides several ways of getting this program
> in front of students; It'd be wonderful if you could look into
> those. I've spoken to a few of you individually, but I'm sure
> there are several more I'm not aware of.
>        If you'd like help in terms of written text, presentation
> outlines, whatever, just let me know. There's a good
> collection of such things that folks have done for GSoC in
> the past, and I'm happy to point you at relevant ones of
> those or help you create more specific things. Just let me
> know what you need. A good place to start is the FAQ[0].
>        In the mean time, I'll be going through the wiki and
> giving it a good scrubbing, moving the 2011 pages out of
> the way and preparing for 2012. I'd encourage anyone
> who's got some free time to take a look at that, as well.
> And, of course, we'll need projects! Think about what
> would make a good summer-sized project for a student.
> And if you're at all interested in Plan 9's participation in
> GSoC, I'd suggest joining the Google group for the
> topic[1], where most of the discussion in the summer
> goes on.
>        Aside from that one major issue, last year went well. I
> was able to get good feedback from a few people during
> the application process, mentors signed up without
> hassle, reviews of student applications were done well
> and promptly. I'd like to thank everyone who's participated
> so far, and I hope you'll sign up again once that's open.
> Anthony
> [0]
> http://www.google-melange.com/document/show/gsoc_program/google/gsoc2012/faqs
> [1]     http://groups.google.com/group/plan9-gsoc

How can I apply for GSoC as a student? is it to late?

Calvin Morrison

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