erik quanstrom wrote: > for me, the most important questions are > - how do i set up a raid/hot spares, and > - can i do this without rebooting.
Of course, and right now I'm doing exactly that using a different operating system. Can I do that on Plan 9? I don't know, I'm trying to find out without much success. > wikipedia. I really don't understand why are you sending me to read wikipedia. Generally, I think of myself as a decent speaker, I know how to make myself clear. It's obvious that in this case I failed. In my previous job I have worked on a file system that among other things also implements redundancy. If I implemented these things I guess I know about them without having to read wikipedia. The machine I use today for storage also runs bits of my own software. It's very easy to administer, tells me when disks are broken, I can just add disks for more storage without reboot and I can hot swap disks. Can Plan 9 do this? I don't know, I guess not? It's fine by me, I'm willing to sacrifice performance and ease of administration for an operating system I like better. I'm willing to implement myself what I need and doesn't exist yet, though I have a very hard time understanding what's missing from these very, very vague discussions. > there's nothing strange about a sata device or even a raid of > various devices of any type being presented with an ide programming > interface. one could just as easily slap an ahci programming interface > on, but either requires translation software/hardware. I agree that's nothing inherently strange, but in practice it's uncommon, at least in my experience. But then again, I'm not a hardware guy, so my experience means nothing. -- Aram Hăvărneanu