> Also, we are trying to make our changes in a way that they could
> help the stock distribution, which is, again, what I said would be
> better than doing them in incompatible ways.

I understand this is going to be difficult, I don't expect anyone to
take this on right now, but I still maintain that there ought to be a
single Plan 9 distribution and that nix and 9front ought to be
derivable from this.

And Code Review ought to be at the core of it.

As additional justification, I'd like to point out that the nix
sources are alien to me and I don't have the space to install nix and
run it so as to contribute to its development, whereas any changes to
the original Plan 9 distribution affects my working environment
directly, which makes it trivial to submit changes if I develop them.

Maybe a middle ground would be to extract from Plan 9, nix and 9front
all the code that is not platform specific (like the Go code, for
example) and maintain that independently of the platforms.  The
divergent platforms could then be kept as small as possible.


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