On Wed, 13 Jul 2011 08:43:51 -0500
Jack Norton <j...@0x6a.com> wrote:
> dexen deVries wrote:
> > if the user hovers mouse over widget area, it would be understood as 
> > intention to activate widgets, triggering their visibility.
> > 
> >...
> > in other words, all the widgets (menus included) of an app turned into 
> > margins when mouse's /not/ over those widgets.
> > 
> > 
> eeek!
> Am I the only one who doesn't like this idea?  I cannot stand programs 
> that change their visual representation based upon where the mouse is, 
> or what the keyboard meta keys are up to, etc...

You're definitely not the only one.

> The worst... and I mean worst case of hover-only features is the stupid 
> system tray clock in windows xp.  I never now when it will be gracious 
> enough to give me that little pop-up that tells me the full date/time. 
> Or in second place, that little pop-up in windows explorer that gives me 
> a (bad) summary of folder contents/size.  It's a crap shoot.  Hover-only 
> stuff is a disease.

I almost said hover-only stuff can be done right, but remembered I've only been 
relying on it since using trackpads & touchpoints - devices almost incapable of 
mouse creep, and it's still a little bit of a nuisance. 

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