On Jun 16, 2:57 pm, pau...@gmail.com (Gorka Guardiola) wrote: > On Jun 16, 2011, at 9:30 AM, "antonio....@gmail.com" <antonio....@gmail.com> > > > > > For blind people the mouse is useless. >
> To people who cannot move, a > keyboard is useless. What is your point > exactly?. You have a braille line driver > and a braille enabled version of acme with special shortcuts that the mouse > conspiracy is preventing you from distributing? > > G. I have been working in a visually impaired school and I told to the list what I saw. For me is easier to use the mouse than the keyboard-shortcuts, but for blind people mouse is useless and they are heavy users of computers, it is not the same as your example. How can you open a new terminal in rio without mouse? Also, in Plan9 everything is text, this could help to easily translate this text to braille display or to a voice synthesizer software. They don't need 3D effects, icons or complicated windows manager, only a simple way to move in rio without mouse, and a way to get the computer output in their braille display or voice synthesizer. Plan9 as research system could also work in this area, in a homogeneous way than others big and crufty systems. Antonio