--- On Wed, 8/6/11, I wrote in part:

> I am old enough to remember RFS the Remote File Sharing
> Protocol on SVR4 that offered access to remote devices, but
> I don't have that and I'm not aware of whether there are any
> distributed fileĀ  protocols freely available for *nix
> that do that.

Um, does v9fs remote Linux devices? I find it hard to imagine it would remote 
ioctls but it makes sense *nix to *nix.

If not, are there any other alternatives? Are there any gotchas remoting *nix 

If v9fs works in such a configuration it would eliminate most of the issues I 
have with *nix resource sharing - unless I use a platform without 9fs a 9fs 
client and servers.

That just leaves my issues with X.



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