Right now, wading through this email list, also put my signature behind
consolidating these resources.  While I don't know much about the forks and
the culture behind this OS, Having a central info-hub with heavier file
hosting supported by sorceforge or something would be nice.  I'm actually
working in a web-dev class right now, and the prof. isn't giving me any new
information on anything.  Who's up for figuring out what could/should be
done with the site?  Also, a super god Dr. Who master reference to plan9,
and other OS's derived from it or involved the the whole next generation of
computing would be nice and save me a few google searches, but I have no
idea where to start on that one.

Also, for running plan9, I'm not familiar with a standards install because I
haven't gotten to the reading yet.  I'm not even sure if I'm qualified to
know the advanced topics in the reading I've gotten into because they are so
different from all models I've even been shown, introduced to, or talked
about.  Is there a book which I could look up to help with this?

Finally for this, what would it take to have the GPU treated as a processor
bank for idling and tasks not requiring a full CPU core?

On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 10:21 AM, <cinap_len...@gmx.de> wrote:

> DooM is functional on plan9front, including sound and
> keyboard input.
> The main thanks go to this guy who did the initial port:
> http://jtomaschke.blogspot.com/
> --
> cinap

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