On Mon Apr 25 03:43:36 EDT 2011, st...@quintile.net wrote:
> I don't manage 1920x1080 but I do get 1600x1200x16 from my 
> NVidia GeForce2 MX-200. This card is old but its what is in the
> machine and its works.
> I must say lots of pixels makes a very nice interface.

i thought i responded to this.  i run the same resolution in
vesa mode on this

; pci 1002/9714
        ATI Technologies Inc RS880 [Radeon HD 4290]

this sucker supports
vesa mode           0x1e5 1920x1440x16 r5g6b5 direct
vesa mode           0x1e6 1920x1440x32 r8g8b8 direct

but my monitor isn't that good.  i also run with intel
integrated graphics on an atom motherboard.

- erik

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