> The new build incantation is: > > cd $GOROOT/src/pkg > make clean > mkdir -p $GROOT/bin/plan9 > GOOS=plan9 GOBIN=$GOROOT/bin/plan9 make -k install
I won't try this until the mmap problem you refer to is resolved, so a question is in order: are the plan 9 tools essential to the operation of 8l with GOOS=plan9 and will they be found by default or will one need to make sure that the PATH is set to find them ahead of the Linux ones? Wait. You are talking about a.out executables, these are specifically for the Plan 9 environment, aren't they? I guess I need to look for myself :-) Alternatively, is it sufficient to specify a different GOBIN or does the PATH need to be changed? I think I know the answer to this question is that the PATH needs changing, but I am normally wrong in these matters. ++L