On Mar 22, 2011, at 12:51 PM, erik quanstrom wrote:

>> back in the right order.  Needs work, well, time, it takes time.
> hey, wait a second ... i thought that was the whole point of hg,
> to save time.  :-)

It does, as long as you don't use certain extensions.

> there were some definate gotchas
> - hg diff doesn't do the right thing with a patch queue.
> - hg qpush is terribly misnamed; and hg push --mq is just a poke in the eye.
> - bitbucket tracks qupdate not qcommit.  i don't understand this.

Cloning and not using quilted patch queues does man you can work along in your 
branch of code as needed.  Flush out a change, diff it w/ someone other 
revision/tip/repository and go to town.  Export the changes upstream and it is 
a bit easier, even push them.  I've just not taken the time to fully grok the 
way Bitbucket and a few others use mq.

Too much complexity triggers the trap.


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