On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 12:10 PM, Bakul Shah <bakul+pl...@bitblocks.com> wrote:

> Templates encourage inlining. There is at least one template
> libraries where the bulk of code is implemented in separate
> .cc files (using void* tricks), used by some embedded
> products. But IIRC the original STL from sgi was all in .h
> files and things don't seem to have changed much -- but I avoid
> them so who knows.

Very little of Boost libraries are libraries -- they are include
files. If I have 100 files, and they include a lot of boost stuff,
then I get to recompile the same Boost files many, many times.

I spent several hours yesterday watching Boost "build" and then
install -- 7000+ files in all. I guess it's all very useful. And

There was a C++ package called Pooma. It introduced the notion of 38
MB symbol tables and symbols so long (due to use of templates and so
on) that they caused almost every extant C++ compiler to core dump in
1999 -- 256 characters is such a limitation on symbol name length ...
the fix was to issue lots of money to people to "fix" their compiler
to handle multi-thousand-character symbol names.


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