On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 12:40 PM, EBo <e...@sandien.com> wrote:
>>> in the plan 9 world, a 64-bit kernel runs 64-bit applications,
>>> and 32-bit applications run on a 32-bit kernel.
>> It would, but vx32 still just "emulates" an i386. So even if 9vx is
>> built to run on amd64, the underlying Plan 9 environment still uses
>> 8*.
> So, what changes are needed to set it up for full 64bit?

not a huge number.

Implement oscmpswap32 for gccmagic/cmpswap.c

create a function pointer like cmpswap called cmpswap32
assigned oscmpswap32 to cmpswap32 in main.c

change all sem* bits in a/sysproc.c to use uint32 not long
change ed script so it won't do the wrong thing in future.

ugly, but I don't see a non-ugly way to do it.


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