I have this exact thing. Direct from China. It has a terribly slow interface, heats up during calls, and runs out of battery during actual call times, like no other.
It's good if all you care about is the "smart" part of "smart phone". Not much of a phone. Stickin' with my Motofone. ak On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 5:37 AM, Bruce Ellis <bruce.el...@gmail.com> wrote: > I had this crazy idea for a CDM module. Stick in a smart phone. > > I contacted some friendly asian folk and they sent me this .... > > 2.4" QVGA screen > Quad Band > Two Sims > Wifi, Bluetooth > Analog TV > etc. > > Bundled with ... > Google/MSN/Java/Yahoo/SKYPE > > It's comaptible with the Nokia Devkit so I'm adding > > imp/cloud/deeptext/shaneyleaks etc... > > $60 for 1 of. > > Works well. > > brucee > >