hell-o.go is like hello.go but uses println. 8.hell-o works properly on a plan9 cpu. but it faults when running on 9vx. i built vx32 -- including 9vx -- on a linux/x86-64 from sources in the last couple of days.
% 8.hell-o 8.hell-o 270: suicide: sys: trap: page fault pc=0x000010bc /dev/kprint reports: 270 8.hell-o: unhandled fault va=ffffffffdfffefc0 [218f7fc0] eip=10bc cpu0: registers for 8.hell-o 270 FLAGS=0 TRAP=0 ECODE=0 PC=10BC USP=FFFFF00 AX 00018D60 BX 0FFFFF8C CX 00018DF8 DX 0001C608 SI 0FFFFFA8 DI FFFFFFF8 BP 00000000 -Skip