> > >> > Indeed. Programs under 9vx can make outgoing connections but
> > >> > can't accept incoming ones because it doesn't really create a
> > >> > virtual machine -- 9vx makes the connections on behalf of the
> > >
> > > that's wrong. 9vx can accept connections.
> The original didn't. The version @ hg.pdos.csail.mit.edu
> still doesn't.  If you use Ron's repo you don't get the ether
> device by default.

you misunderstand.  regular 9vx without the added
network device can accept tcp or udp connections.
the fact that ape has some breakage must be a different

> It is confusing to have different versions sharing the same
> name.  It would be better if this branch of 9vx is either
> renamed or merged with Russ's.

i don't know how you solve this.  hg/bitbucket is no panacea.

patches are not always folded in in a timely manner,
regardless of the technology used.  i'm not even sure
how to properly submit fixes to bitbucket hosted stuff
like drawterm.  i think the only option is to fork it.

- erik

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