On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 10:13 PM, Lucio De Re <lu...@proxima.alt.za> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 07, 2010 at 09:25:37PM -0800, ron minnich wrote:
>> I've gotten part of the way there. I set up a 9fat on the first
>> partition and I can boot the kernel from u-boot with the 9fat. But I'm
>> not quite done the rest.
> The plug really needs fully hands-off booting and this does not seem to
> be the direction you're heading.

actually it is. My openrd (same as a plug) has a 500 GB USB hard drive
($50 from Frys; I was using a flash drive but ventifmt made it die)
and I'm working to a hands-off booting. I changed the boot environment
variables to default to booting from 9fat on the disk, and that gets
me to Plan 9. I don't understand why you think this is not hands-off?

Currently things don't work out so well when I boot :-)
But I have not touched it for a bit.

>        Stealth CPU server/AUTH server

I don't want to have an outward-facing OSX or Linux. I trust Plan 9
more if only because I figure most people will ignore it ...

>        ARM development system (where's Go?)

ARMs are great! Just look at the gumstix.


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