On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 09:38:46AM +0200, Pavel Zholkover wrote:
> I did a Go runtime port for x86, it is in already in the main hg repository.
> Right now it is cross-compile from Linux for example (GOOS=plan9 8l -s
> when linking. notice the -s, it is required).
I have Plan 9 versions of the toolchain that ought to make it possible
to do the same under Plan 9.  I'll have a look around the repository,
see if I can add any value.

> There were a few changes made to the upstream so the following patch
> is needed until the fix is committed:
> http://codereview.appspot.com/2674041/
> Right now I'm working on syscall package.
Thanks for letting us know.


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