nandecccorrect: calculated ecc 005b9999 stored ecc 001ba110
nandecccorrect: 2 bit error
(page 0)
can't read 112 bytes from <nil>: i/o error
authid: bootes
authdom: home
secstore key:
nandecccorrect: calculated ecc 005b9999 stored ecc 001ba110
nandecccorrect: 2 bit error
(page 0)
can't write key to nvram: i/o error
version.panic: boot process died: unknown
ktrace /kernel/path 0x60806b98 0x6099ef50 0x6099ef8d # pc, sp, link

panic: boot process died: unknown
cpu0: exiting

same error, 2 different kirkwoods. Code just built from sources today.
Anyone ever seen anything like


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