my sheeva says this: cat ctl
enabled control rw speed high maxpkt 64 pollival 0 samplesz 0 hz 0 hub
1 port 1 busy
storage csp 0x500608 vid 0x1307 did 0x0163 'USB 2.0' 'Flash Disk' ehci pwd

(here is usb probe) usb/probe
ep1.0 roothub csp 0x000009 ports 1 ehci
ep2.0 storage csp 0x500608 vid 0x1307 did 0x0163 'USB 2.0' 'Flash Disk' ehci

Also, why do I see:

What are the two extra endpoints? cat ../ctl
ep1.0 enabled control rw speed high maxpkt 64 pollival 0 samplesz 0 hz
0 hub 0 port 0 busy
roothub csp 0x000009 ports 1 ehci
ep2.0 enabled control rw speed high maxpkt 64 pollival 0 samplesz 0 hz
0 hub 1 port 1 busy
storage csp 0x500608 vid 0x1307 did 0x0163 'USB 2.0' 'Flash Disk' ehci
ep2.2 enabled bulk r speed high maxpkt 512 pollival 1 samplesz 0 hz 0
hub 1 port 1 busy
ep2.1 enabled bulk w speed high maxpkt 512 pollival 1 samplesz 0 hz 0
hub 1 port 1 busy

the manual says EHCI usb 2.0 are not supported; does this mean that I
can't use the above flash or is the manual out of date? Also my manual
shows U but /dev/drivers say u ... manual bug?


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