> It's just not that hard to use the iwp9 macros with plan9port. > They work fine, and if you put .FP luxisans at the top of your > ms file you can get a nice-looking B&H-designed sans serif font too. > And then when you submit the source to them you or they > can delete that one line. It's easy.
and as far as I know you are the first to document this little gem. Thank you. > Or you can run 9vx pointed at a real Plan 9 ISO image > and run Plan 9 in all its glory. That's easy too. that was about to be my next step, but I haven't been using 9vx for much of anything for awhile because it does everything in a single core and I want to test how well things work on multi-cores. So, I'm trying to work with mainly one toolset -- in this case plan9port.