As the documentation says, the ARM ports are currently only CPU kernels. Mouse and keyboard support should be trivial to add and will come once (if) video is working on the Guruplug Display or OpenRD. This could take a long while, since the video controller is undocumented (there isn't even Linux driver source available). Until then, there's little point to having them. Just use the serial console or cpu in, as bootes if necessary.
- [9fans] Sheevaplug - USB working? Just checking Ethan Grammatikidis
- Re: [9fans] Sheevaplug - USB working? Just checki... erik quanstrom
- Re: [9fans] Sheevaplug - USB working? Just ch... Nemo
- Re: [9fans] Sheevaplug - USB working? Jus... ron minnich
- Re: [9fans] Sheevaplug - USB working?... erik quanstrom
- Re: [9fans] Sheevaplug - USB wor... ron minnich
- Re: [9fans] Sheevaplug - USB... ron minnich
- Re: [9fans] Sheevaplug - USB... erik quanstrom
- Re: [9fans] Sheevaplug - USB wor... Skip Tavakkolian
- Re: [9fans] Sheevaplug - USB... Ethan Grammatikidis
- Re: [9fans] Sheevaplug - USB working? Just ch... geoff
- Re: [9fans] Sheevaplug - USB working? Jus... erik quanstrom
- Re: [9fans] Sheevaplug - USB working? Jus... Tristan Plumb