I haven't found any resolution to Pavel's original problem, hence this email.

Same problem here:
x86, FC12: INSTALL went smooth (no errors in install.log), but all of
the devdraw based programs stopped with the reported error.

After installing the packages libX11-devel, libXt-devel and
libXext-devel, INSTALL produced the expected result, all programs work

I noticed that, the references to LOCAL.config and nowsys in
install(1) are somehow not clear to me. I could not find out how
nowsys was built instead of reporting the missing X11 libraries and I
couldn't find LOCAL.config either.

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 11:56 AM, Pavel Klinkovsky
<pavel.klinkov...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I use p9p on my older Linux (Fedora 10).
> I tried to compile and run it on my new PC with Fedora 12, but without
> success:
> [pavel]$ 9term rc
> usage: devdraw (don't run  directly)
> 9term: initdraw: muxrpc: unexpected eof
> Any idea?
> Thanks.
> Pavel

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