i'm not sure if you really killed all instances of aquarela. can you
grep -n /net/tcp/31 /proc/*/fd to see who is still using that filedescriptor.
--- Begin Message ---
I halted aquarela(1) with a ^D sequence, and made sure
all processes were gone. ps(1) lists no processes on
the server that could possibly be using port 445 (the
port aquarela listens on for the CIFS service). And yet,
netstat -n showed that TCP port 445 was still in LISTEN
state. Naturally, I ran
echo hangup > /net/tcp/31/ctl
to relinquish the port. Now it's in CLOSED state:
tcp 31 bootes Closed 445 0 ::
but the port is still unusable (pre-occupied - aquarela(1)
is not able to open it). Short of rebooting the CPU server,
is there some way to regain port 445?
Quite the annoying bug...
--- End Message ---