On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 1:30 PM, Bakul Shah <bakul+pl...@bitblocks.com> wrote:

> You write "startsyscall" to <pid>/syscall for every trace
> buffer read  -- don't quite understand why that is needed.

It gives you the option of not restarting the system call until later.
There could be more complex usage scenarios.

But it's a very good point. We've talked about dumping this data via
the trace facility instead. Trace facility is well designed for this
type of output -- I've got a proposal in which Sape says is ok for
changing the format of the trace records.

So, things can still change. One question though -- once you get to
the point of really complex examination of system calls, would acid be
better? Or do you see a use for ratrace (that name is kind of funny
and has the virtue of being typable on my keyboard with one hand) just
to dump more data and make all data visible? Your point about lost
information is a good one.


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