Here is a refinement of fgb's fine work on a contrib system. I have
taken his ideas a bit further, based on my use of his tools in an
unreliable environment. I was getting quite frustrated as I had
multiple failures in the midst of an install, and seeing the message
'xyz already installed', when it was only 1/2 installed, was wasting
time. Also, I'm just not patient enough to wait for replica to do its

While I think both replica and the contrib system are quite capable,
each in their own way, I felt they were lacking for my purposes. I
have become very impressed with how tinycore linux does binary
packages. I decided to enumerate what I like about that system, and
based on that, what I'd like to have on Plan 9. Not all goals are met

1. reconstitute root file system on boot, in ram, then mount packages
as file systems, so basic root remains pristine
2. fast -- listing and dependencies should take well under a second;
package install of even big things should be under 3 minutes.
3. easy to list package dependencies quickly
4. auto-install of a package and its dependencies
5. separate package download from install; hence download can proceed
in parallel (not really in tinycore, just possible)
6. know what packages are installed quickly and easily
7. easy to remove a package; just remove one file, reboot, it's gone (see 1)
   *note*: when your system boots in 10 seconds, reboot is not that big a deal
8. no false positive: don't think a package is installed when it is
not or is only partially done (due to failure for example)
9. false negatives are ok: if a package is installed but you don't
think it is, reinstallation should be cheap
10. No need for continuous tinkering of db or other files to keep it
working correctly.
11. Works well in a high latency, even if high bandwidth, network.

Which of these goals does replica meet, e.g. for /sys/src?
>From my point of view, none of them.

Which of these goals does the current contrib system meet?
Much as I like the contrib system, it still depends on replica, so,
from my point of view, none of the goals are met.
I once saw it take four hours to install openssl. That's just not workable.

Which of these goals does the gui-based contrib system meet?
This is the system that downloads .iso files and then runs replica
against them. It meets 3, to some extent, but is still too slow for
me; it sort of meets 6; but, unfortunately, it fails on 8.

Which of these goals does my extension meet?
2 -- can download/install all of hg, including all dependencies, in 3
minutes, 2 of which are hget
3 -- .1 seconds for 'deps hg'; .1 second for list packages; < .1
second for list installed
4 -- it knows the dependencies and will install everything with one command
5 -- get and install are seperate commands
6 -- ls /installed
8 -- yes -- /installed/<name> is only created when the package is
completely installed (but there are bugs still)
9 -- yes
10. there is little in the way of a db file, just a /installed
directory (which you get by a bind -a)
11. It's far faster than existing systems because it uses hget

1. is obviously not yet met. I think it would be worth doing a tiny 9,
just as we have tinycore, for terminals.
7. is still not met. Package removal is still a mess. I had hoped to
just mount the .iso's and run the tools out of them but have not
figured out all the issues yet. A simple rbind failed to do the trick.

Here are some examples.

# available packages
term% time list

0.00u 0.00s 0.11r        list

# what packages does hg need?
term% time deps hg
0.00u 0.00s 0.10r        deps hg

#install tiff
term% install tiff
package is tiff
Package z already installed, no need to do it
9660srv 1151: serving /srv/tiff

#install tiff again
term% install tiff
package is tiff
Package z already installed, no need to do it
Package tiff already installed, no need to do it

Sources to these tools, including the build script, are at

You can try them out -- it's all there. Packages are in

I don't pretend the scripts are very good, they just represent a
starting point. Experience (mine) is that the system work well. For
example, just doing:

get openssh
install openssh

takes very little time and has worked reliably for me on 9vx.

And, since I installed hg earlier, openssh install skipped the openssh
install step. Left to the reader (or me in a bit): don't download iso
when the package is installed! -- but it's so fast I have not

I'm able to install packages now without worrying about whether I will
be ready to disconnect my laptop and go home before the install is

Next step, if this system is found to be useful, is to adapt fgb's gui program.


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