Hello, Just one comment about the vertical Evoluent mouse (I bought one a few months ago since Russ recommended them).
It can be pretty hard to get used to it. I had to force myself to try it several times before I could stand using it. I think the main reason is because you apply horizontal pressure when clicking and that can make the pointer move unvoluntarily on your part. That gets pretty annoying when it makes you fail at your chordings and you have some code to produce. Now I'm starting to really like it; I'd say one gets past the annoyance if you manage to keep using it for a full day without throwing it away for another mouse. In fact I'd recommend trying it and starting to use it on day when it's not so important to be efficient and you can afford to loose a bit of time to it. Sounds like common sense now, but I think it's particularly true with that mouse. Cheers, Mathieu