> -----Original Message----- > From: 9fans-boun...@9fans.net [mailto:9fans-boun...@9fans.net] On Behalf Of > lu...@proxima.alt.za > Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2010 12:10 PM > To: 9fans@9fans.net > Subject: Re: [9fans] Mars Needs Women (was Re: TeX: hurrah!) > > > Yes there is, but the disagreement in between what I wrote, and what you > > read. In the quoted sentence, I was talking about the > > building, or implementation, process. What you then began to talk about was > > the design process. > > Computer programming is much more design than implementation, unless I'm too > old to keep up with new ideas and I've missed > some radical change. The analogy of the construction of a bridge I believe > is closer to the real thing if one considers the design rather > than the implementation. Ergo...
Never said it wasn't. But you insisted on finding a part of what I said that you could troll, and began to troll. You have repetitively ignored the heart of my e-mails, and even ignored chunks of what I've said just to criticize me. I discussed design, and you ignored it. When I brought up implementation, you considered it as design. Unless you have something constructive to say, rather than make up some fantastic problem in what I say, I'm done here. > ++L