--rw-r--r-- M 26 rminnich sys 8805 Apr 3 17:41 /n/sources/contrib/rminnich/9vx.tce
Note this is only the following: -rwxr-xr-x root/root 61 2009-10-13 22:11:07 usr/local/bin/9vx -rwxr-xr-x tc/staff 20 2009-10-14 03:38:18 usr/local/tce.flwm/9vx -rw-r--r-- tc/staff 8580 2009-10-14 03:29:01 usr/local/tce.icons/9ball.png -rw-r--r-- tc/staff 48 2009-10-14 03:39:49 usr/local/tce.icons/9vx -rw-r--r-- tc/staff 49 2009-10-14 03:31:19 usr/local/tce.menu/9vx If you drop this into the tce directory on tinycore, it will give you the 9ball in the menu at the bottom and the flwm menu items on boot. The files look like this: t...@box:~$ cat usr/local/tce.menu/9vx <JWM> <Program label="9vx">9vxr</Program> </JWM> t...@box:~$ cat usr/local/bin/9vx #!/bin/sh cd `cat /opt/.tce_dir`/../tc/plan9/9vx* exec ./9vx t...@box:~$ ls -l usr/local/tce.flwm/9vx -rwxr-xr-x 1 tc staff 20 Oct 14 03:38 usr/local/tce.flwm/9vx t...@box:~$ cat usr/local/tce.flwm/9vx #!/bin/sh exec 9vxr t...@box:~$ What's the 9vxr reference? Actually, I don't know. I have to go look! The 9ball.png is too small to look nice. However, we have a .svg version of this now, see: http://swtch.com/~rsc/9ball.svg so you can make a bigger version. Obviously, this is incomplete. You need the root file system from 9vx. The scripts are written so that if you put the 9vx-0.what into /tc/plan9/9vx-0.12 on the stick, all will work. You can use the tinycore scripts to build a usb stick and then put these directories into place on it. Questions? Let me know. Thanks ron