On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 04:19:59PM -0400, John Floren wrote:
> I think for 360 Euro, I could build a better, Plan 9-compatible
> machine and *not* donate money to the KDE project while I'm at it.
> Should there be something on the wiki/elsewhere where people can post
> the specs of computers they are using and what hardware works/doesn't
> work? The supported hardware list tends to be a bit vague; I'd like
> something where I could look at a list of components for an entire
> Plan 9 compatible machine, or see if anybody else is still using
> component X.
> John
My Dell Inspiron 1000 mostly works. I haven't tested the PC Card slot. Audio
most likely doesn't work, and the sis900 driver doesn't work and I haven't
tested the other sis900 driver from here[1]. Everything else is fine.


I am a man who does not exist for others.

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