On Mon Mar 22 16:22:15 EDT 2010, n...@lsub.org wrote:
> It would help being able to "append" to a directory, i.e., being able to
> create new files but not to, say, remove, already created files.

i considered modifying the fileserver to do something similar
for nupas.  perhaps reusing the 'a' bit.  but in the end, i didn't
do it as we weren't having a problem.  i use the mode 773 for
mailboxes which can be delivered to by other users and 700
for mailboxes which can't be delivered to by other users.  denying
read access at least makes it annoying to guess all the mail files
in the mbox.

(thanks to anthony for a recent fix to splitmbox.)

russ had a specific objection to "append" directories.  i don't
recall how the argument went.

- erik

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