We're in.

In the next few days, we need to polish our materials for students, flesh out our ideas list[1], and confirm our mentors. If you're interested in following progress with Plan 9's GSoC activities, please join the plan9-gsoc google group[2]; if you're interested in becoming a mentor (or considering it), please join the plan9-gsoc-mentors google group[3]. Further instructions for mentor signups, student project ideas, and so on will happen on those lists.

Much thanks to everyone who's contributed ideas or volunteered to be a mentor so far. Looking forward to another productive summer.

[1]     http://www.plan9.bell-labs.com/wiki/plan9/gsoc-2010/index.html
[2]     http://groups.google.com/group/plan9-gsoc
[3]     http://groups.google.com/group/plan9-gsoc-mentors

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