On 3/16/10, John Floren <slawmas...@gmail.com> wrote: > Shame it doesn't have a cell phone radio built in, or Ron and I might > have just what we needed for the 9phone.
I'm been using the same phone since 2003 - the only phone I've ever owned - so I obviously don't care (or know) much about "smart phones". I don't even send texts, only regular voice calls. I do receive texts. However, there is one "smart" feature that for me would be useful enough that carrying a big chunky thing that lives for a quarter of a day on battery might actually be worth it, and the feature is so damn trivial to do with Plan 9 - setting/unsetting the ring tone to/from silent in a cron job. I don't know if other phones provide that feature but I've never heard it mentioned. Bonus feature, just because it's so trivial to do on a Plan 9 phone: cat /dev/eia0 | awk -v 'RS=whateverNMEAuses' ' ($longfield "," $latfield == "xxx,yyy"){print "off"}' > /dev/ringctl Or more realistically, because you don't walk over the exact same spot all the time: 'nearenough($longfield "," $latfield, "xxx,yyy"){print "toggle"}' stu