> Well. So now I just don't understand how the examples in
> Plumbing and Other Utilities by Rob Pike, page 11
> could work... Was there a rewrite? The example there is no longer
> valid... :( That cost me quite some time...

it is a very good question that should be answered.  

for reference, the first example on p. 11 is:

        # rule set for microsoft word documents
        type is text
        data matches '[a-zA-Z0-9_\-./]+'
        data matches '([a-zA-Z0-9_\-./]+)\.doc'
        arg isfile $0
        plumb start doc2txt $data | \
            plumb -i -d edit -a action=showdata -a filename=$0

it doesn't appear that plumber has had any changes
since the beginning of sources.  does anyone with a
2e licence know if plumber used to accept rules
like this; that is shell script fragments?

- erik

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