On Mon Mar 8 16:35:12 EST 2010, st...@quintile.net wrote: > perhaps of interest is seft [http://ww2.cs.mu.oz.au/~oldk/seft/] > which works well for me. It is unusual in that it allows all the usual > text searching tools (including AltaVista's long lamented () "near" operator, > but does not use indices, it does it the hard way. > > Before you dismiss this as slow, its just a matter of exactly what your > problem is. Mine is a relatively small amount of rather dynamic data. > > if you want it I oprted it to APE here: contrib/install steve/seft
from http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/login.jsp?url=http%3A%2F%2Fieeexplore.ieee.org%2Fiel5%2F6653%2F17766%2F00824381.pdf%3Farnumber%3D824381&authDecision=-203 i get "we call seft, offers performance that in a retrieval effectiveness sense matches conventional information retrieval systems, and in a resource efficiency sense, while considerably slower than grep-like tools, is fast enough to be useful on hundreds of megabytes of text why would we go for "slower than grep"? wouldn't it be simpler put a new queryish interface on grep á la 9fans.net/archive? what am i missing? - erik