> I only strongly suggest that you put the contrib gui at the heart of
> what the user sees.

Agreed wholeheartedly.  Thing is, It's autoconf that needs careful
redesign: even though contrib/replica is not as comprehensive as a
revision control even when backed by venti, it is unmatched for Plan 9
purposes.  But that leaves one still at the mercy of autoconf and it
seems to me that the trigger for change ought to come  from Plan 9.
And in case I haven't yet made it clear, I don't have a good enough
picture in my head to suggest a replacement.

In fact, Steve Simon and fgb both have done great work to help there,
but I feel the real answer is still at large.

And if anyone should find this bait irresistible, keep in mind that
the final product needs to be portable across at least a few OS
platforms as well as hardware architectures and that it should
probably be targetting the Plan 9 toolchain rather than GCC (G++ is a
problem, of course, but Go may help there as at least with the NetBSD
packages, the number of C++ offerings is limited.).


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