> Of course, one would then be tempted (as I have been) to look more
> seriously at porting the NetBSD package system to Plan 9.  That's not
> out of the question, in fact it's probably not too difficult, but the
> residual pain of autoconf for each individual package has already
> frightened people with a stronger stomach than mine away.  That is why
> I cannot suggest we catch up, but it may be nice to be ready when
> eventually the autoconf edifice falls down and something mildly
> intelligent takes its place!
> Ironically, Plan 9 may be the platform on which a replacement for
> autoconf could be designed and implemented.  But that's too close to a
> pipedream to be given serious consideration.

Take a look at Boost's port of Perforce Software's build tool Jam
<http://www.boost.org/doc/tools/jam/index.html>.  What little I have used it
in the past it came across as a much more elegant tool-chain.  Now what I
would LOVE to see is a port of Joel de Gusman's Spirit++.  Well I can dream
cannt I ;-)

I've also started on updating an old per-application portage ebuild based on
Anant's work back in 2007.  If that is of any interest maybe I could get you
to either collaborate or just do a little testing.

  EBo --

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