> makes it sound like the -a option takes precedence > over cs and ndb. But the code for _autdial() in > util.c looks for cs first and if it's there, the > -a option is ignored. (In p9p, -a seems to be ignored > altogether.) > > Which way should it be? I'd prefer if -a took precedence, > but if the existing behavior is really what's wanted, > then I suggest we change the man page so it's more clear > that's what's happening.
it seems like this code is being very sly. i think the problem the code is working around is that if you first connect to the local machine and later want to mount sources, you will fail since the auth server you've specified in -a won't auth sources. (at least that's how i read the comment, if i squint a bit.) also, if you were to smarten up -a to take an authdom / authserver pair, e.g. -a coraid.com!tyty.coraid.com it could still cause trouble if ndb were updated while you were running one would expect cs to fix things up, but it wouldn't. is this a problem with a 9vx setup? perhaps getting cs looking at the right data is the real problem? - erik