Hello all, With the the following three Plan9 ISOs when trying to install Plan 9
Plan9 20th October 2009 timestamp 08:04 Plan9 28th January 2010 timestamp 09:04 Plan9 12th February 2010 timestamp 09:04 I get the following when I try to set the display to be 1280x1024x8 monitor settings I have tried are after referring to [http://plan9.bell-labs.com/wiki/plan9/Setting_the_right_monitor_size/ index.html] multisync ------------------------ panic: kernel fault: bad address pc=0xf01b3843 addr=0xe03c0000 panic: kernel fault: bad address pc=0xf01b3843 addr=0xe03c0000 dumpstack disabled cpu0: exiting ------------------------ When setting it to 1280x768x8 and monitor setting to cinema it works. All of this is on a VMWare Workstation. What can one do when you modify the plan9.ini and get the crash message? Is there a way to edit the plan9.ini and change it back before getting the crash message? ROuNIN