> Q1: How do I go about checking to see if the finally installed image
> sees the virtual Ethernet device for the system? (It believes it to be
> a Digital Tulip style one.)

there are many ways to do this.
1.  cat /dev/kmesg
you should get lines that start with #ln, where n is a small
nonnegative integer.

#l0: i82574: 1000Mbps port 0xFA6E0000 irq 11 tu 1514: 003048d788de
#l1: i82574: 1000Mbps port 0xFA7E0000 irq 10 tu 1514: 003048d788df

2. ls /net/ether0. 

if you have a network, you will get similar output to this.  (you may
not have the mtu file.  that's my addition, especially for aoe performance.)

chula# chula# lc /net/ether0
0       1       2       3       addr    clone   ifstats mtu     stats

> Q2:And this is related to Q1 above: Are these adapters supported on
> real hardware? (Of course I'll recheck the Wiki pages.)


- erik

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