The Plan 9 Xen PAE kernels runs fine on my NetBSD 64 bit Xen 
server. My
Xen version is 3.3.x but 3.2.1 should works too. I could post my 
Xen config file here if you like? 


On Tue, 09 Feb 2010 02:12:04 +0100 Kenneth L Van Alstyne 
<> wrote:
>Just curious if anyone has any experience running Plan 9 under Xen 

>with a
>64-bit hypervisor?  It's my understanding that the PAE kernel 
>should work,
>but upon creation of the DomU, the machine quickly panics.  
>Example output
>is below:
>wired:~# xm create -c /home/kvanals/plan9/boot.conf
>Using config file "/home/kvanals/plan9/boot.conf".
>Started domain
>Plan 9
>127 holes free
>0018b000 00dba000 12775424
>12775424 bytes free
>cpu0: 2792MHz AuthenticAMD AMD64 (cpuid: AX 0x20F51 DX 0x78BFBFF)
>panic: xenupdatema - pte 80185010 value 269a5027
>panic: xenupdatema - pte 80185010 value 269a5027
>ktrace /kernel/path 8001444a 80002e2c <<EOF
>estackx 80003000
>80002dcc=8001428b 80002dd8=80040514 80002ddc=8006b902 
>80002df0=80072b4a 80002e00=8004065b 80002e10=8006cef8 
>80002e28=8001444a 80002e2c=8001428f 80002e34=80040a81 
>80002e84=8007380a 80002e90=80074682 80002ea4=80073a82 
>80002ed4=8006a91a 80002edc=80072b4a 80002ef0=80070000 
>80002f00=8006cef8 80002f0c=8006cef8 80002f10=80070276 
>80002f24=8006a91a 80002f38=80070661 80002f44=8006c3e7 
>80002f8c=80011cc0 80002fac=80011be5 80002fb8=80012208 
>80002fe4=00000000 80002fe8=801c6ff8 80002fec=80010a37 
>80002ff4=00000000 80002ff8=8001001f 80002ffc=00000000
>cpu0: exiting
>cpu0: spurious interrupt 102, last 0
>cpu0: spurious interrupt 102, last 0
>cpu0: spurious interrupt 102, last 0
>cpu0: spurious interrupt 102, last 0
>cpu0: spurious interrupt 102, last 0
>cpu0: spurious interrupt 102, last 0
>cpu0: spurious interrupt 102, last 0
>Thanks ahead of time for any assistance anyone is able to provide.

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