On Sun, 07 Feb 2010 15:19:58 MST "Lyndon Nerenberg (VE6BBM/VE7TFX)" 
<lyn...@orthanc.ca>  wrote:
> > i suspect the rationale was that, finally, C provided a way
> > outside the preprocessor to give symbolic names to constants.
> > why restrict that to int?
> Because enum's have been int's since their inception?
> I'm sympathetic to the underlying need, but making a fundamental
> type of the language suddenly become variable does not seem to
> be the right way of going about this.
> E.g., what is the type of:
> enum {
>       a = 1,
>       b = 2.44000000000000000000618549L,
>       c = 2.44F,
>       d = "this is weird",
>       e = 1LL<<62,
> } foo;

The cleanest solution would be to treat C's _static const_
"variables" as as compile time constants. I wish the standard
dictated this.

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